Self Care Is For Everyone | Let’s Talk Mental Health
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Hey Guys!
May is mental health awareness month and especially with everything going on in the world right now, it is so important to check your mental health. It is equally as important to check in on the mental health of your friends and family.
I’m sure you’ve heard the term self care being tossed out there, and some people take it very seriously while others might laugh it off. But in all honesty, self care is super important to maintain a healthy mind and body.
I am going to talk about my story, because I find it reassuring to hear from others who have experienced things similar to me. So I don’t feel so alone. Because sometimes I’m embarrassed by my experiences and emotions related to my mental health. I know that I shouldn’t be, but sometimes I am. So hearing that other people go through it too, makes me feel better about my own experiences.
I have struggled with anxiety my entire life. Even as a child. I had horrible separation anxiety and even to this day I still have certain things that set that off. But more so, today, I struggle with generalized anxiety.
I have a good handle on it most days (thankfully) but I still have times where it comes out of nowhere and knocks me down. I don’t know what it is about the night time, but that is when mine tends to flare up. Specifically while I’m laying in bed trying to fall asleep.
I start thinking about things, worrying about things, which I have no control over and it sends me down the spiral. I have found different breathing and thinking exercises that, a lot of the time, can help snap me out of it.
But if something goes wrong and I can’t figure out how to fix it, that is one of my triggers. I can’t shut my brain off, it gets harder to breathe, my body gets tingly, my heart starts beating faster, I get this huge knot in the pit of my stomach. It is awful and I hate it. I just need to know the solution to whatever the problem is (whether there is one, or not.) I need someone to tell me it will be ok and how we are going to get it figured out.
I am lucky to have friends and family who are super supportive and whom I can reach out to when I need that help. Some people might find it hard to ask for help (I have been that way too) because of the stigma that can often go hand in hand with mental illness. So that is why it is super important to reach out to your friends and family and ask them how they are really doing. Because maybe they’re too afraid to ask for help.
Self Care
I have also found that treating my body to self care fairly often, is incredibly relaxing to my mind. I think it has been a pretty significant contribution to being able to maintain a fairly healthy mental mindset. Self care can look different for everyone. Some people read, some meditate, some people take a nice long bath. Do whatever it is that relaxes you and allows your body and mind to take a breather.
I personally love to take a long, hot shower. I put on a hair mask, do a sugar scrub body exfoliator, a face exfoliator. Then afterwards I pop on a face mask and lay in my bed and clear my mind. I lay there usually 20-30 minutes and do some deep breathing and it is so very relaxing. Once I’m done I feel so calm and happy.
I also love a good book. Sometimes I like to give myself a mani pedi. Sometimes I list everything I’m grateful for in my head as I relax. Sometimes I think of some of my favorite memories and let them replay in my head. And sometimes I treat myself to a super delicious sweet treat.
Whatever self care looks like to you, do that. It will make you smile. It will help calm your mind. Your mind and body will thank you. Self care is for everyone. If you have never tried it, I encourage you to. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Take 20 minutes to sit down and relax and not worry about work or kids or what’s happening in the world. It is important. You need to take care of you.
If you’re on the hunt for some great products to incorporate into your self care routine check out some of my favorites below.
For some other great information, ideas, and apps I think would be perfect to incorporate into your self care routine, check out these below. Great meditation app Great Yoga app Great journaling app
So now, how about you? How are you really doing? If you need someone to talk to, send me a private message on Instagram or Facebook or even an email ( I’m always happy to talk and help however I can.
Do you self care? What are your favorite ways to do so? Let me know in the comments or on one of my socials! Stay happy and stay healthy, I will see you next time. ☺
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Hop on over to my Instagram and enter to win 5 amazing prizes, the perfect way to treat yourself to some self care! The giveaway ends Friday 5/8/20 at 11:59pm CST so make sure you’ve entered before then! See post for full rules and terms.